Friday, April 3, 2009

We made it to 10 years baby!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that my husband, Stevie and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary today. We were married in Lasker Baptist Church April 3, 1999 which was Easter weekend.

Our wedding was very simple and that is all we wanted....all we could afford.

We have grown so much since then (both mentally and physically) and I am so blessed to have found him.

July 31, 1997 Stevie's friend called me ( cell then) and asked me out. I said No...sorry and he continued to ask....finally Stevie took the phone from him and we chatted for a minute and hung up. A little later Stevie called back and he wanted to let me know that he had nothing to do with his friend calling. Stevie and I knew one another prior to that night b/c he has dated a couple of my friends..He was always so nice but I never thought of him in that way. We chatted again for a bit and I told him that had to walk my best friend to her car b/c she was afraid of the dark....I took his number and called him back later that evening...We talked and talked...we talked for 10 hours that night and we both had to get up and go to work. It was worth it.

The next night we went on our very first date. August 1, 1997 we went to the Watermelon Fest and met some friends there.

I fell head over heels for him. We got along so well and we still do. Stevie and I are happy and I pray that our marriage will continue to stay strong. With God in our lives we will do just that.

This is a picture of us 10 years ago!!


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both! Such a wonderful milestone in your lives together.

  2. Happy Anniversary!! I love that picture of you two.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Great picture! My husband and I started dating in August of 1997 too!

  4. Happy Anniversary! 10 years is really something to be proud of! I love your pic of the two of you!
