Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blogger Blast March 09

Ladies...I had a great time and really enjoyed meeting all of you! I made all new friends and will look forward to another blogger blast!
My sister posted a message on my facebook b/c I never told her what or where I was doing Friday night.."I want to be a blogger, ..I'm a blogger girl, In a Blogger world"
So, next time, she may be joining us.

I learned last night before I left that I MUST keep up the blogs or Judi will put out my flame/fire/torch.

I promise to post comments and not stalk and I promise to blog.

Got to Donielles right before midnight and my stinkin tire was flat..Thanks for taking me home girlfriend....Jimmy was tripping me out.


  1. No problem! I still don't know why you wouldn't just let him change it. He said when we got home, "I changed jeans so I could change it." He was ready. Anyway, I had a great time! We'll have to get together again sometime.

  2. I enjoyed meeting you last night. I am sorry about the flat tire. That is not fun. I promise to give you a break on the blogging. Just remember there are no rules in blogging.

  3. i still wish i could comment. not sure how to become a follower.

  4. To comment you just click on the post comment button if they have one (at the end of their blog) or start typing in the box like you have on yours. Then hit the POST COMMENT button. Simple as that. You have to be signed in or select anonymous. It will prompt you either way. To become a follower you click on the follow me button which is usually on the right side of their page. Sometimes at the top, middle or end depending on how their layout is set up. Hope that helps. It was fun last night. We need to get a local group started and meet once a month for dinner.

  5. BJ, I am sorry I am so late commenting I am still laughing my butt off at the post before this one of you and your sister. I am so glad you came the other night, I hope we didn't scare you my sisters and I get a little loud.

    Welcome to blog land, jump right in. Heck you are already posting video I can't figure that out, maybe you can help me! LOL

  6. Hey girl! I had a blast too...that video you posted is still killing me...I LOVE IT! Look forward to keeping up with your blog!

  7. Hey! I had such a great time at the Blogger Blast! You are so much fun! When I got to Cathy's, my car wouldn't start!!! How crazy is that?? We had to wake her husband up and jump start me to get home! My car has been fine all weekend, and the only thing I had on was the cell phone charger was plugged. Funny how we both had car trouble!!
